Dr. hab. in Linguistics
Chair for Translation Studies
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
Academic degrees:
- Post-doctoral degree (Dr hab.) in Linguistics, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, 2024
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Linguistics, Warsaw University, 2012
- Master of Education (MEd), Łódź University, 1997
Professional development:
- A course in Methodology & Linguistics, St Andrews University, Scotland, 2000
- A course in EFL, St Andrews University, Scotland, 1999
Research interests:
- Team translation projects (telecollaboration)
- Developing translator competence
- ICT in translator education
- Translation technologies
- Glottodidactics (CALL – Computer-Assisted Language Learning)
Expert activities:
- Polish Ministry of Education (MEN): ELT textbook appraisal expert
- Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2014/2015): grant application reviewer
- Evidence Institute: Language competence testing expert
- Educational Research Institute: researcher
- British Council, Poland: educational/CALL consultant
Courses taught:
- Translation technologies
- CAT tools
- CAT tools and post-editing
- Specialisation course (online team translation projects)
- Specialisation course (translation start-ups)
- Localization
- Intercultural communication in the new media
- Intercultural pragmatics
- MA seminar in Translation Studies
- Glottodidactics
- Practical methodology (ELT)
- Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), New media in ELT
- BA/MA seminar in glottodidactics
- MA seminar in translation studies
- Practical English
Membership in professional organisations:
- European Society for Translation Studies (EST)
- Consortium for Translation Education Research (CTER)
- Polish Association of Applied Linguistics (PTLS)
Participation in research projects:
- Didactic-research project Global Understanding 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24, 2024/25, carried out by Global Partners in Education (GPE).
- Translation – Education – Research (TER) research platform (2022-2024).
- 2014-2015: BUNJO project. Research on the quality and effectiveness of education and institutionalisation of research facilities, implemented by the European Social Fund under the Human Capital Operational Program, Priority III: High quality of the education system, Sub-measure 3.1.1 Creating conditions and tools for monitoring, evaluating and researching the education system. Project carried out by the Educational Research Institute in Warsaw in association with the Polish Ministry of Education.
Other roles:
- reviewer for The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK)
- member of the board of reviewers for the Journal of Teaching English with Technology (IATEFL PL Computer SIG)
- reviewer for the International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Language Learning (Olney, Bucks, UK)
- member of the board of reviewers for the English Language Teaching journal (Toronto, Canada)
- member of the editorial board for the IBSU Journal of Education (Tbilisi, Georgia)
- INSETT trainer for the British Council Poland
- President of the Consortium for Translation Education Research (CTER)
- Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Translator Education and Translation Studies (TETS)
- website administrator, webmaster and localizer (PHP, HTML, CMSs)
Social media professional profiles:
Personal pursuits:
- Martial arts: Shorin-Ryu Karate, Kobudo
- Amateur astronomy